V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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04 Driver support Driver Alert System - LDW*04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.185General information on - LDWThe LDW (Lane Departure Warning) function isintended to reduce the risk of so-called single-vehicle accidents – accidents where, in certainsituations, the vehicle leaves the carriagewayand is in danger of driving either into a ditch orinto oncoming traffic.LDW consists of a camera that detects the sidemarkings painted on the carriageway. Thedriver is alerted by an acoustic signal if thevehicle crosses a side marking.Operation and functionThe function is switched on or off by means ofa switch on the centre console. An indicatorlamp in the button illuminates when the func-tion is switched on.The trip computer display shows Lane DepartWarn Standby <65 km/h when the function isin standby mode due to speed being below 65km/h.The LDW function is activated automaticallyfrom standby mode after the camera has scan-ned in the carriageway's side markings andspeed exceeds 65 km/h. The trip computerdisplay then shows Lane Depart WarnAvailable.If the camera can no longer detect the carria-geway's side markings the display showsLane Depart Warn Unavailable .If speed decreases to below 60 km/h then thefunction resumes standby mode and the dis-play shows Lane Depart Warn Standby <65km/h.If the vehicle crosses the left or right-hand sidemarking of the carriageway without due causethen the driver is alerted by an acoustic signal.No warning is given in the following situations:•Direction indicators activated•The driver has his/her foot on the brakepedal1•In the event of the accelerator pedal beingdepressed rapidly1•In the event of rapid steering wheel move-ments1•In the event of a sudden turn so that the carrolls.The camera sensor also has certain limitations.For more information, see page 178.1A warning is still given when Increased sensitivity is selected, see page 187.
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