V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver support BLIS* – Blind Spot Information System04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.195Activate/deactivateButton for activating/deactivating.BLIS is activated when the engine is started.The indicator lamps in the door panels flashthree times when BLIS is activated.The system can be deactivated/activated afterstarting the engine with one press on theBLIS button.Some combinations of the selected equipmentleave no vacant space for a button in the centreconsole - in which case the function is handledby the car's menu system MY CAR underSettingsCar settings BLIS. (For adescription of the menu system - seepage 202).When BLIS is deactivated, the lamp in the but-ton goes out and a message is shown in theinstrument panel display.When BLIS is activated the light in the buttonilluminates, a new text message is shown onthe display and the indicator lamps in the doorpanels flash 3 times. Press the OK button todelete the text message. (For a description ofmessages - see page 200).When BLIS operatesThe system operates when the car is driven ata speed above 10 km/h.OvertakingThe system is designed to react if:•you overtake another vehicle at a speed ofup to 10 km/h faster than the other vehicle•you are overtaken by a vehicle travelling upto 70 km/h faster than you are travelling.WARNINGBLIS does not work in sharp bends.BLIS does not work when the car is revers-ing.A wide trailer coupled to the car can concealother vehicles in adjacent lanes. It can pre-vent the vehicle in the screened area frombeing detected by BLIS.Daylight and darknessIn daylight the system reacts to the shape ofthe surrounding vehicles. The system isdesigned to detect motor vehicles such ascars, trucks, buses and motorcycles.In darkness the system reacts to the head-lamps of surrounding vehicles. If the head-lamps of surrounding vehicles are not switchedon then the system does not detect the vehi-cles. This means for example that the systemdoes not react to a trailer without headlampswhich is towed behind a car or truck.WARNINGThe system does not react to cyclists ormoped riders.The BLIS cameras have limitations similar tothose of the human eye, i.e. they do not"see" as well e.g. in heavy snowfall, againststrong light or in thick fog.
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