V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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05 Comfort and driving pleasureClimate control 05210* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.GeneralClimate controlThe car is equipped with electronic climatecontrol. The climate control system cools orheats as well as dehumidifies the air in the pas-senger compartment.NOTEThe air conditioning system (AC) can beswitched off, but to ensure the best possibleclimate comfort in the passenger compart-ment and to prevent the windows from mist-ing, it should always be on.Actual temperatureThe temperature you select corresponds to thephysical experience with reference to factorssuch as air speed, humidity and solar radiationetc. in and around the car.The system includes a sun sensor whichdetects on which side the sun is shining intothe passenger compartment. This means1 thatthe temperature can differ between the rightand left-hand air vents despite the controlsbeing set for the same temperature on bothsides.Sensor location•The sun sensor is located on the top sideof the dashboard.•The temperature sensor for the passengercompartment is located below the climatecontrol panel.•The outside temperature sensor is locatedon the door mirror.•The humidity sensor* is located by the inte-rior rearview mirror.NOTEDo not cover or block the sensors withclothing or other objects.Side windows and sunroof*To ensure that the air conditioning works opti-mally, the side windows, and sunroof* if speci-fied, should be closed.Misting windowsRemove misting on the insides of the windowsby primarily using the defroster function.To reduce the risk of misting, keep the win-dows clean and use window cleaner.Temporary shut-off of the airconditioningWhen the engine requires full power, e.g. for fullacceleration or driving uphill with a trailer, theair conditioning can be temporarily switchedoff. There may then be a temporary increase intemperature in the passenger compartment.CondensationIn warm weather, condensation from the airconditioning may drip under the car. This isnormal.Ice and snowRemove ice and snow from the climate controlsystem air intake (the grille between the bonnetand the windscreen).Total airing functionThe function opens/closes all side windowssimultaneously and can be used for example toquickly air the car during hot weather, seepage 58.Passenger compartment filterAll air entering the car's passenger compart-ment is cleaned with a filter. This must bereplaced at regular intervals. Follow the VolvoService Programme for the recommendedreplacement intervals. If the car is used in a1Only applies to ECC.
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