V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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05 Comfort and driving pleasure Additional heater*05* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.223General information about theadditional heaterIn cold climate zones1 an additional heater maybe required to obtain the correct operatingtemperature in the engine and to obtain suffi-cient heating in the passenger compartment.Fuel-driven additional heaterA fuel-driven additional heater is fitted in carswith diesel engines.The heater starts automatically when extraheat is required when the engine is running.The heater is switched off automatically whenthe correct temperature is reached or when theengine is switched off.NOTEWhen the additional heater is active theremay be smoke from the right-hand wheelhousing which is perfectly normal.Auto mode or shutdownThe additional heater's automatic startsequence can be switched off if required.OK buttonThumbwheelRESET button1. Before starting the engine: Select key posi-tion I, see page 78.2.Scroll with the thumbwheel to Additionalheat auto.3.Press RESET to select between ON andOFF .NOTEThe menu options are only visible in keyposition I - any adjustments must thereforebe made before starting the engine.Passenger compartment heater*If the additional heater is supplemented withtimer function then it can be used as a fuel-driven passenger compartment heater, seepage 220.Electric additional heaterCars with certain petrol engines2 have an elec-tric additional heater integrated into the car'sclimate control system.In a semi-cold1 climate zone diesel-driven carshave an electric additional heater instead of afuel-driven version.The heater cannot be controlled manually butis instead activated automatically after theengine has been started in outside tempera-tures below 14 °C and is switched off after theset passenger compartment temperature hasbeen reached.1An authorised Volvo dealer has information regarding the geographical areas concerned.2An authorised Volvo dealer has information regarding the engines concerned.
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