V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment system Voice recognition* mobile phone06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.271GeneralThe infotainment system's voice recognition1allows the driver to voice-activate certain func-tions in a Bluetoothµ-connected mobile phoneor in Volvo's navigation system - RTI (Road andTraffic Information System).NOTE•The information in this sectiondescribes the use of voice commandsto control a mobile phone connectedusing Bluetoothµ. For detailed infor-mation on using a mobile phone con-nected using Bluetoothµ with the car'sInfotainment system see page 262.•The Volvo navigation system RTI (Roadand Traffic Information System) has aseparate user manual which containsmore information on voice control andvoice commands to control that sys-tem.Voice commands offer convenience and helpthe driver to avoid being distracted, andinstead concentrate on driving and focusattention on the road and traffic conditions.WARNINGThe driver always holds overall responsibil-ity for driving the vehicle in a safe mannerand complying with all applicable rules ofthe road.The voice recognition system allows the driverto voice-activate certain functions of aBluetoothµ-connected mobile phone and inVolvo's navigation system - RTI (Road andTraffic Information System), while the drivercan keep his/her hands on the wheel at thesame time. The input data are in dialogue formwith spoken commands from the user and ver-bal replies from the system. The voice recog-nition system uses the same microphone asthe Bluetoothµ handsfree system (see illustra-tion on page 262) and the voice recognitionsystem's replies come via the car's speakers.LanguageLanguage list.Voice recognition is not possible for all lan-guages. Languages available for voice recog-nition are marked with an icon in the languagelist - . Changing the language is performedin the menu system MY CAR, see page 204.1Only applies to vehicles equipped with Volvo's navigation system - RTI (Road and Traffic Information System).
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