V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
07 During your journeyFuel 07288General information on fuelFuel of a lower quality than that recommendedby Volvo must not be used as engine powerand fuel consumption is negatively affected.WARNINGAlways avoid inhaling fuel vapour and get-ting fuel splashes in the eyes.In the event of fuel in the eyes, remove anycontact lenses and rinse the eyes in plentyof water for at least 15 minutes and seekmedical attention.Never swallow fuel. Fuels such as petrol,bioethanol and mixtures of them and dieselare highly toxic and could cause permanentinjury or be fatal if swallowed. Seek medicalattention immediately if fuel has been swal-lowed.WARNINGFuel which spills onto the ground can beignited.Switch off the fuel-driven heater before star-ting to refuel.Never carry an activated mobile phonewhen refuelling. The ring signal could causespark build-up and ignite petrol fumes,leading to fire and injury.IMPORTANTMixing different types of fuel or the use offuel not recommended invalidates Volvo'sguarantees, and any associated serviceagreement. This applies to all engines.NOTE: It does not apply to cars with enginesthat are adapted to run on ethanol fuel (E85).NOTEExtreme weather conditions, driving with atrailer or driving at high altitudes in combi-nation with fuel grade are factors that couldaffect the car's performance.Catalytic convertersThe purpose of the catalytic converters is topurify exhaust gases. They are located close tothe engine so that operating temperature isreached quickly.The catalytic converters consist of a monolith(ceramic or metal) with channels. The channelwalls are lined with a thin layer of platinum/rho-dium/palladium. These metals act as catalysts,i.e. they participate in and accelerate a chem-ical reaction without being used up them-selves.Lambda-sondTM oxygen sensorThe Lambda-sond is part of a control systemintended to reduce emissions and improve fueleconomy.An oxygen sensor monitors the oxygen contentof the exhaust gases leaving the engine. Thisvalue is fed into an electronic system that con-tinuously controls the injectors. The ratio of fuelto air directed to the engine is continuouslyadjusted. These adjustments create optimalconditions for efficient combustion, andtogether with the three-way catalytic converterreduce harmful emissions (hydrocarbons, car-bon monoxide and nitrous oxides).PetrolPetrol must fulfil the EN 228 standard. Mostengines can be run with octane ratings of 95and 98 RON. Only in exceptional cases should91 RON be used.•95 RON can be used for normal driving.•98 RON is recommended for optimum per-formance and minimum fuel consumption.When driving in temperatures above +38 °C,fuel with the highest possible octane rating isrecommended for optimum performance andfuel economy.
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