V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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422page / 8.97MB
08 Wheels and tyresGeneral 08312* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Jack*The original jack should only be used forchanging to the spare wheel. The jack's threadmust always be well greased.Tools - returning into placeG029336The tools and jack* must be returned to theircorrect places after use. The jack needs to becranked together to the correct position inorder to have space.IMPORTANTThe tools and jack* must be stored in theintended location in the car's cargo areawhen not in use.Winter tyresVolvo recommends winter tyres with particulardimensions. Tyre dimensions are dependenton engine variant. When driving on winter tyres,the correct type of tyres must be fitted to allfour wheels.NOTEVolvo recommends that you consult a Volvodealer about which wheel rim and tyre typesare most suitable.Studded tyresStudded winter tyres should be run in gently for500-1000 km so the studs settle properly intothe tyres. This gives the tyre, and especially thestuds, a longer service life.NOTEThe legal provisions for the use of studdedtyres vary from country to country.Tread depthRoad conditions with ice, slush and low tem-peratures place considerably higher demandson tyres than summer conditions. Volvo there-fore recommends not to drive on winter tyresthat have a tread depth of less than 4 millime-tres.Using snow chainsSnow chains may only be used on the frontwheels (also applies to all-wheel drive cars).Never drive faster than 50 km/h with snowchains. Avoid driving on bare ground as thiswears out both the snow chains and tyres.WARNINGUse Volvo genuine snow chains or equiva-lent chains designed for the car model, andtyre and rim dimensions. In the event ofuncertainty Volvo recommends that youconsult an authorised Volvo workshop. Thewrong snow chains may cause seriousdamage to your car and lead to an accident.SpecificationsThe car has whole vehicle approval. Thismeans that certain combinations of wheels andtyres are approved. For the permissible com-binations, see page 388Wheel (rim) dimensionsWheels (rims) have a designation of dimen-sions, for example: 7Jx16x50.7 Rim width in inchesJ Rim flange profile
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