V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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09 Maintenance and serviceBattery 09348NOTE•The higher the current take-off in the car(extra cooling/heating, etc.) the morethe batteries must be charged =increased fuel consumption.•When the capacity of the battery hasfallen below the lowest permissible levelthen the Start/Stop function is disen-gaged.Temporarily reduced Start/Stop function dueto high current take-off means:•The engine starts automatically2 withoutthe driver depressing the clutch pedal(manual gearbox).•The engine starts automatically without thedriver lifting his/her foot off the foot brakepedal (automatic gearbox).Location of the batteriesA: Left-hand drive car. B: Right-hand drive car. 1.Battery for starting3 2. Support battery.The support battery normally requires no moreservice than the normal battery that is used forstarting. A workshop should be contacted inthe event of questions or problems - an author-ised Volvo workshop is recommended.IMPORTANTIf the following instruction is not observedthen the Start/Stop function may temporar-ily cease to work after the connection of anexternal battery or battery charger:•The negative battery terminal on thecar's main battery must never be usedfor connecting an external battery orbattery charger - only the car chassismay be used as the grounding point.See the section "Start assistance" - for adescription of how the cable clamps mustbe attached.2Automatic starting can only take place if the gear lever is in neutral position.3The battery for starting is described in detail on page 345.
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