V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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10 Specifications Dimensions and weights10373WeightsKerb weight includes the driver, the fuel tank90% full and all fluids.The weight of passengers and accessories,and towball load (when a trailer is hitched, seetable page 374) influences the payload and isnot included in the kerb weight.Permitted max. load = Gross vehicle weight -Kerb weight.NOTEThe documented kerb weight applies tocars in the standard version - i.e. a car with-out extra equipment or accessories. Thismeans that for every accessory added theloading capacity of the car is reduced cor-respondingly by the weight of the acces-sory.Examples of accessories that reduce load-ing capacity are the Kinetic/Momentum/Summum equipment levels, as well as otheraccessories such as Towbar, Load carriers,Space box, Audio system, Auxiliary lamps,GPS, Fuel-driven heater, Safety grille, Car-pets, Cargo cover, Power seats, etc.Weighing the car is a certain way of ascer-taining the kerb weight of your own partic-ular car.WARNINGThe car's driving characteristics changedepending on how heavily it is loaded andhow the load is distributed.For information on decal location, see page 370.Max. gross vehicle weightMax. train weight (car+trailer)Max. front axle loadMax. rear axle loadEquipment levelMax. load: See registration document.Max. roof load: 75 kg.
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