V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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06 Infotainment systemExternal audio source via AUX/USB* input 06260* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Playback and navigation2Turn TUNE to access the playlist/folder struc-ture and navigate in the list/structure. Use OK/MENU to either confirm selection of subfolderor start of playback of the selected audio/videofile. Press EXIT to either stop and exit the play-list or go up (back) in the folder structure. A longpress on EXIT leads to the playlist's root level.Audio/video files can also be changed bypressing / on the centre console or thesteering wheel keypad*.Audio files have the symbol , video files3have the symbol and folders have thesymbol .When playback of a file is complete the play-back of the other files (of the same type) in thatparticular folder continues. Change4 of foldertakes place automatically when all the files inthe current folder have been played back. Thesystem automatically detects and changessetting when a device containing only audiofiles or only video files is connected to the USBport and then it plays back these files. How-ever, the system does not change setting if adevice containing a mixture of audio and videofiles is connected to the USB port, but insteadthe player continues to play back the previousfile type.Fast forward/reverse2See page 256.Scan2See page 257.Random2See page 257.Search function2The keypad on the control panel in the centreconsole can be used to find a filename in thecurrent folder.The search function is accessed either by turn-ing TUNE (to access the folder structure) or bypressing one of the letter keys. As a letter orcharacter in a search string is entered you getcloser to your search target.Start playback of a file by pressing OK/MENU.Repeat folder5See page 257.PauseWhen the volume is reduced entirely or MUTEis pressed, the media player is paused. Whenthe volume is increased or MUTE is pressedagain, the media player starts. It is also possi-ble to pause via the menu system6, press OK/MENU, select Play/Pause .Audio sourcesUSB memoryTo facilitate the use of a USB memory stick,only store music files on it. It takes a lot longerfor the system to load storage media that con-tains anything other than compatible musicfiles.2Only applies to USB and iPodµ.3Applies to High Performance Multimedia and Premium Sound Multimedia.4If Repeat folder is activated then this does not take place.5Only applies to USB.6Does not apply to iPodµ
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