V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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09 Maintenance and service Car care09375Touching up minor paintwork damagePaint is an important part of the car's rust-proofing and should therefore be checked reg-ularly. To avoid the onset of rust, damagedpaintwork should be rectified immediately. Themost common types of paintwork damage arestone chips, scratches, and marks on theedges of wings, doors and bumpers.Materials•primer1 - for e.g. plastic-clad bumpersthere are special adhesive primers availa-ble in spray cans•base coat and clear coat - are available inspray cans or as touch-up pens/sticks2•masking tape•fine sand paper1.Colour code (Paint code)Code for car's colourIt is important that the correct colour is used.For product decal location, see page 380.Repairing minor paint damage such asstone chips and scratchesG021832Before work is started, the car must be cleanand dry as well as at a temperature above15 °C.1. Apply a piece of masking tape over thedamaged surface. Then remove the tape toremove any loose paint.If the damage has reached down to a metalsurface (sheet steel), it is preferable to usea primer. In the event of damage to a plas-tic surface, an adhesive primer should beused for better results - spray into thespray can's cap and brush thinly.1If required.2Follow the instructions that are included with the package for the touch-up pen/stick.
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