X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全144ページ 4.54MB]
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Opening and closing18Opening and closingKey set1Master keys with remote control2Spare keyMaster keys with remote controlEach master key contains a battery that is auto-matically charged in the ignition lock during driving. Use the master ke y at least twice a year in order to maintain its charge condition.Depending on which master key is detected by the vehicle during unlocking, different settings in the vehicle are requested and executed, refer to Key Memory.Spare keyFor storage in a safe place, such as in your wal-let. This key does not fit in the lock of the glove compartment. This is an advantage, e.g. when valet parking. The key is not intended for con-stant use.New keysYou can get replacement keys or spare keys from your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle Center.Vehicle Memory, Key MemoryHow the system functionsYou have probably frequently wished that you could configure individu al functions of your vehicle to reflect your own personal require-ments. In developing your vehicle, BMW has incorporated a number of options for personal adjustment. You can have these programmed at your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle Center.There are vehicle-related and person-related adjustments: Vehicle Memory and Key Mem-ory. You can configure up to four different basic adjustments for four diffe rent persons. The only requirement is that each person use his or her own master key with remote control.When your vehicle is un locked with the remote control, the vehicle recognizes the individual user by means of a data exchange with the key, and makes adjustments accordingly.In order for you to dist inguish between the mas-ter keys with remote control, color-coded decals are supplied together with the keys.What the system can doAsk your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle Center about the possibilities of Vehicle Memory and Key Memory.You will see this symbol throughout the Owner's Manual. It is to remind you at appropriate places of the settings that are avail-able to you.<Following configuration of memory func-tions, vehicle operation may differ from the description in the Owner's Manual. Should you wish to sell your BMW some day, please remember to have the memory functions reset to the factory default settings.<Examples of Vehicle Memory>Different confirmation signals to confirm locking/unlocking of th e vehicle, refer to page19 .>Activating/deactivatin g function for path-way lighting, refer to page 59 .>Activating/deactivat ing daytime driving lamps, refer to page59 .
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