X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Warning stagesSymbol MeasureThe vehicle lights up red: prewarn‐ing.Increase distance.The vehicle flashes red and anacoustic signal sounds: acute warn‐ing.You are requested to intervene bybraking or making an evasive maneu‐ver.Adapting your speed and driving styleThe display does not relieve the driver ofthe responsibility to adapt his or her drivingspeed and style to the traffic conditions.◀System limitsBe alertDue to system limitations, warnings maybe not be issued at all, or may be issued late orimproperly. Therefore, always be alert and readyto intervene; otherwise, there is the danger of anaccident occurring.◀Detection rangeThe detection capacity of the camera and thecollision warning has limitations.This may result in the warning not being issuedor being issued late.For example, the following situations may not bedetected:▷Slow moving vehicles when you approachthem at high speed.▷Vehicles that suddenly swerve in front of youor sharply decelerating vehicles.▷Vehicles with an unusual rear appearance.▷Two-wheeled vehicles ahead of you.Functional limitationsThe system may not be fully functional in thefollowing situations:▷In heavy fog, rain, sprayed water or snowfall.▷In tight curves.▷If the camera view field or the front wind‐shield are dirty or covered.▷When driving toward bright lights.▷In the case of vehicles with insufficiently visi‐ble tail lamps.▷In the case of partially covered vehicles.▷Up to 10 seconds after the start of the en‐gine, via the Start/Stop knob.▷During the calibration process of the cameraimmediately after vehicle shipment.Prewarning sensitivityDepending on the set prewarning time, this mayresult in increased false warnings.CameraThe camera is located near the base of the mir‐ror.Keep the windshield in the area behind the in‐terior rear view mirror clean and clear.Cruise controlThe conceptThe system is functional at speeds beginning atapprox. 20 mph/30 km/h.Seite 109Driving comfort Controls109Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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