X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 8.62MB
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211page / 8.62MB
At a glanceCameraThe camera is located near the base of the mir‐ror.Keep the windshield in the area behind the in‐terior rear view mirror clean and clear.Switching on/off1. "Settings"2. "Info display"3. "Speed limit information"If speed limit detection is switched on, it can bedisplayed on the info display in the instrumentcluster via the onboard computer. No PassingInformation is displayed together with activatedspeed limit information.DisplayThe following is displayed in the instrumentcluster.Speed limit detectionCurrent speed limit.Speed limit detection is not avail‐able.Speed limit detection can also be displayed inthe Head-up Display.No Passing Information▷Start of No Passing zone.▷End of No Passing zone.▷No Passing Information notavailable.No Passing Information can also be displayed inthe Head-up Display.System limitsThe system may not be fully functional and mayprovide incorrect information in the followingsituations:▷In heavy fog, rain or snowfall.▷When signs are concealed by objects.▷When driving very close to the vehicle infront of you.▷When driving toward bright lights.▷When the windshield behind the interiorrearview mirror is fogged over, dirty or cov‐ered by a sticker, etc.▷In the event of incorrect detection by thecamera.▷If the speed limits stored in the navigationsystem are incorrect.▷In areas not covered by the navigation sys‐tem.▷When roads differ from the navigation, suchas due to changes in the road network.▷When passing buses or trucks with a speedsticker.▷If the traffic signs are non-conforming.▷During calibration of the camera immedi‐ately after vehicle shipment.Seite 80Controls Displays80Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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