X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 8.62MB
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211page / 8.62MB
New remote controlsYou can obtain new remote controls from yourservice center.Loss of the remote controlsLost remote controls can be blocked by yourservice center.Emergency detection of remote controlIt is possible to switch on the ignition or start theengine in situations such as the following:▷Interference of radio transmission to remotecontrol by external sources.▷Discharged battery in the remote control.▷Interference of radio transmission by mobiledevices in close proximity to the remotecontrol.▷Interference of radio transmission bycharger while charging items such as mobiledevices in the vehicle.A Check Control message is displayed if an at‐tempt is made to switch on the ignition or startthe engine.Starting the engine in case ofemergency detection of remote controlAutomatic transmission: if a correspondingCheck Control message appears, hold the re‐mote control, as shown, against the marked areaon the steering column and press the Start/Stopbutton within 10 seconds while pressing thebrake.Personal ProfileThe conceptYou can set several of your vehicle's functionsto suit your personal needs and preferences.▷The settings are automatically saved in theprofile currently activated.▷The remote control used is detected whenthe vehicle is unlocked and the stored profileis called up.▷Your personal settings will be recognizedand called up again even if the vehicle hasbeen used in the meantime by someone elsewith another remote control.The individual settings are stored for three Per‐sonal Profiles and one guest profile.Transmitting the settingsYour personal settings can be taken with you toanother vehicle equipped with the Personal Pro‐file function. For more information, contact yourservice center.The settings are transmitted as follows:▷The USB interface in the center armrestonto a USB device.Profile managementOpening the profilesA different profile can be called up than the oneassociated with the remote control currently inuse.1. "Settings"Seite 31Opening and closing Controls31Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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