X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Message when the system was notresetA Check Control message is displayed.The system detected a wheel change but wasnot reset.Warnings regarding the current tire inflationpressure are not reliable.Check the tire inflation pressure and reset thesystem.MalfunctionThe yellow warning lamp flashes andthen lights up continuously. A CheckControl message is displayed. No flattire can be detected.Display in the following situations:▷A wheel without TPM electronics is fitted:have the service center check it if necessary.▷Malfunction: have the system checked byyour service center.▷TPM could not be fully reset. Reset the sys‐tem again.▷Disturbance by systems or devices with thesame radio frequency: after leaving the areaof the disturbance, the system automaticallybecomes active again.Declaration according to NHTSA/FMVSS 138 Tire Pressure MonitoringSystemEach tire, including the spare (if provided)should be checked monthly when cold and in‐flated to the inflation pressure recommended bythe vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placardor tire inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle hastires of a different size than the size indicated onthe vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure la‐bel, you should determine the proper tire infla‐tion pressure for those tires.) As an added safetyfeature, your vehicle has been equipped with atire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that il‐luminates a low tire pressure telltale when oneor more of your tires is significantly under-in‐flated. Accordingly, when the low tire pressuretelltale illuminates, you should stop and checkyour tires as soon as possible, and inflate themto the proper pressure. Driving on a significantlyunder-inflated tire causes the tire to overheatand can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation alsoreduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, andmay affect the vehicle's handling and stoppingability. Please note that the TPMS is not a sub‐stitute for proper tire maintenance, and it is thedriver's responsibility to maintain correct tirepressure, even if under-inflation has not reachedthe level to trigger illumination of the TPMS lowtire pressure telltale. Your vehicle has also beenequipped with a TPMS malfunction indicator toindicate when the system is not operating prop‐erly. The TPMS malfunction indicator is com‐bined with the low tire pressure telltale. Whenthe system detects a malfunction, the telltale willflash for approximately one minute and then re‐main continuously illuminated. This sequencewill continue upon subsequent vehicle start-upsas long as the malfunction exists. When the mal‐function indicator is illuminated, the system maynot be able to detect or signal low tire pressureas intended. TPMS malfunctions may occur fora variety of reasons, including the installation ofreplacement or alternate tires or wheels on thevehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioningproperly. Always check the TPMS malfunctiontelltale after replacing one or more tires orwheels on your vehicle to ensure that the re‐placement or alternate tires and wheels allowthe TPMS to continue to function properly.FTM Flat Tire MonitorThe conceptThe system does not measure the actual infla‐tion pressure in the tires.It detects a pressure loss in a tire by comparingthe rotational speeds of the individual wheelswhile moving.Seite 97Safety Controls97Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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