X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 8.62MB
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Signaling brieflyPress the lever to the resistance point and holdit there for as long as you want the turn signal toflash.High beams, headlamp flasher▷High beams, arrow 1.▷Headlamp flasher, arrow 2.Washer/wiper systemSwitching the wipers on/off and briefwipeDo not switch on the wipers if frozenDo not switch on the wipers if they are fro‐zen onto the windshield; otherwise, the wiperblades and the windshield wiper motor may bedamaged.◀No wiper operation on dry windshieldDo not use the windshield wipers if thewindshield is dry, as this may damage the wiperblades or cause them to become worn morequickly.◀Switching onPress the wiper levers up.The lever automatically returns to its initial po‐sition when released.▷Normal wiping speed: press up once.The wipers switch to intermittent operationwhen the vehicle is stationary.▷Fast wiping speed: press up twice or pressonce beyond the resistance point.The wipers switch to normal speed when thevehicle is stationary.Switching off and brief wipePress the wiper levers down.The lever automatically returns to its initial po‐sition when released.▷Brief wipe: press down once.▷To switch off normal wipe: press down once.▷To switch off fast wipe: press down twice.Seite 66Controls Driving66Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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