X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 8.62MB
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Knee airbagThe knee airbag supports the legs in a frontalimpact.Protective actionAirbags are not triggered in every impact situa‐tion, e.g., in less severe accidents or rear-endcollisions.Information on how to ensure the optimalprotective effect of the airbags▷Keep at a distance from the airbags.▷Always grasp the steering wheel on thesteering wheel rim, holding your hands atthe 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions, to keepthe danger of injury to your hands or arms aslow as possible if the airbag is triggered.▷There should be no people, animals, or ob‐jects between an airbag and a person.▷Do not use the cover of the front airbag onthe front passenger side as a storage area.▷Keep the dashboard and window on thefront passenger side clear, i.e., do not coverwith adhesive labels or coverings, and do notattach holders such as for navigation instru‐ments and mobile phones.▷Make sure that the front passenger is sittingcorrectly, i.e., keeps his or her feet and legsin the footwell; otherwise, leg injuries canoccur if the front airbag is triggered.▷Do not place slip covers, seat cushions orother objects on the front passenger seatthat are not approved specifically for seatswith integrated side airbags.▷Do not hang pieces of clothing, such as jack‐ets, over the backrests.▷Make sure that occupants keep their headsaway from the side airbag and do not restagainst the head airbag; otherwise, injuriescan occur if the airbags are triggered.▷Do not remove the airbag restraint system.▷Do not remove the steering wheel.▷Do not apply adhesive materials to the air‐bag cover panels, cover them or modifythem in any way.▷Never modify either the individual compo‐nents or the wiring in the airbag system. Thisalso applies to steering wheel covers, thedashboard, the seats, the roof pillars and thesides of the headliner.◀Even when all instructions are followed closely,injury from contact with the airbags cannot beruled out in certain situations.The ignition and inflation noise may lead toshort-term and, in most cases, temporary hear‐ing impairment in sensitive individuals.In the case of a malfunction, deactivationand after triggering of the airbagsDo not touch the individual components imme‐diately after the system has been triggered; oth‐erwise, there is the danger of burns.Only have the airbags checked, repaired or dis‐mantled and the airbag generator scrapped byyour service center or a workshop that has thenecessary authorization for handling explosives.Non-professional attempts to service the sys‐tem could lead to failure in an emergency or un‐desired triggering of the airbag, either of whichcould result in injury.◀Warnings and information on the airbags arealso found on the sun visors.Functional readiness of the airbagsystemWhen the ignition is switch on, the warn‐ing lamp in the instrument cluster lightsup briefly and thereby indicates the op‐erational readiness of the entire airbag systemand the belt tensioner.Airbag system malfunctioning▷Warning lamp does not come on when theignition is turned on.▷The warning lamp lights up continuously.Seite 92Controls Safety92Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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