X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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8 Automatic recirculated-air control/recircu‐lated-air mode9 ALL program10 Temperature, right11 Defrosting windows and removing conden‐sation12 Cooling function13 Rear window defroster14 Seat heating 49Climate control functions in detailManual air distributionPress the buttons repeatedly to select a pro‐gram:▷ Windows.▷ Upper body region.▷ Footwell.The programs can be combined as necessary.TemperatureTurn the wheel to set the desiredtemperature.The automatic climate control reaches this tem‐perature as quickly as possible, if necessary byincreasing the cooling or heating output, andthen keeps it constant.Avoid rapidly switching between different tem‐perature settings. The automatic climate controlwill not have sufficient time to adjust the settemperature.Maximum coolingPress the button.The system is set to the lowest tem‐perature, maximum air flow and recirculated-airmode.Air flows out of the vents for the upper body re‐gion. Open them for this purpose.The air is cooled fastest when the engine is run‐ning.The air flow can be adjusted when the programis active.AUTO programPress the button.Air flow, air distribution, and tempera‐ture are controlled automatically.Depending on the selected temperature, AUTOintensity, and outside influences, the air is di‐rected to the windshield, side windows, upperbody, and into the footwell.The cooling function, refer to page 124 , isswitched on automatically with the AUTO pro‐gram.At the same time, a condensation sensor con‐trols the program so as to prevent window con‐densation as much as possible.To switch off the program: press the buttonagain or manually adjust the air distribution.Intensity of the AUTO programWith the AUTO program switched on, automaticcontrol of the air flow and air distribution can beadjusted.Press the left or right side of the button:decrease or increase the intensity.The selected intensity is shown on the displayof the automatic climate control.Seite 123Climate control Controls123Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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