X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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In this way braking efficiency will be availablewhen you need it.HillsDrive long or steep downhill gradients in the gearin which the least braking is required. Otherwise,the brake system may overheat, resulting in areduction in the brake system efficiency.You can increase the engine's braking effect byshifting down, going all the way to first gear, ifnecessary.Automatic transmission:You can increase the engine's braking effect byshifting down in the manual mode of the auto‐matic transmission.Avoid load on the brakesAvoid placing excessive load on the brakesystem. Light but consistent brake pressure canlead to high temperatures, brake wear and pos‐sibly even brake failure.◀Do not drive in neutralDo not drive in neutral or with the enginestopped, as doing so disables engine braking. Inaddition, steering and brake assist is unavailablewith the engine stopped.◀Brake disc corrosionCorrosion on the brake discs and contaminationon the brake pads are furthered by:▷Low mileage.▷Extended periods when the vehicle is notused at all.▷Infrequent use of the brakes.Corrosion occurs when the minimum pressurethat must be exerted by the pads during brakeapplications to clean the discs is not reached.Should corrosion form on the brake discs, thebrakes will tend to respond with a pulsating ef‐fect that generally cannot be corrected.Condensation under the parked vehicleWhen using the automatic climate control, con‐densation water develops that exits underneaththe vehicle.Therefore, traces of condensed water under thevehicle are normal.Roof-mounted luggage rackNoteInstallation only possible with roof rack.Roof racks are available as special accessories.Attachment to the rackFollow the installation instructions of the roofrack.MountingBe sure that adequate clearance is maintainedfor tilting and opening the glass sunroof.LoadingBecause roof racks raise the vehicle's center ofgravity when loaded, they have a major effect onvehicle handling and steering response.Therefore, note the following when loading anddriving:▷Do not exceed the approved roof/axle loadsand the approved gross vehicle weight.▷Distribute the roof load uniformly.▷The roof load should not be too large in area.▷Always place the heaviest pieces on the bot‐tom.▷Secure the roof luggage firmly, e.g., tie withratchet straps.▷Do not let objects project into the openingpath of the tailgate.▷Drive smoothly. Avoid sudden accelerationand braking maneuvers. Take corners gen‐tly.Seite 142Driving tips Things to remember when driving142Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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