X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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The flow of fuel is interrupted while coasting.Switch off the engine duringlonger stopsSwitch off the engine during longer stops, e.g.,at traffic lights, railroad crossings or in trafficcongestion.Auto Start/Stop functionThe Auto Start/Stop function of your vehicle au‐tomatically switches off the engine during astop.If the engine is switched off and then restartedrather than leaving the engine running con‐stantly, fuel consumption and emissions are re‐duced. Savings can begin within a few secondsof switching off the engine.Using this system can cause certain compo‐nents of the vehicle to become worn prema‐turely.Iin addition, fuel consumption is also determinedby other factors, such as driving style, road con‐ditions, maintenance or environmental factors.Switch off any functions thatare not currently neededFunctions such as seat heating and the rear win‐dow defroster require a lot of energy and con‐sume additional fuel, especially in city and stop-and-go traffic.Therefore, switch off these functions if they arenot actually needed.Have maintenance carried outHave vehicles maintained regularly to achieveoptimal vehicle economy and operating life.Have the maintenance carried out by your serv‐ice center.Please also note the BMW Maintenance Sys‐tem, refer to page 168 .ECO PROThe conceptECO PRO supports a driving style that saves onfuel consumption. For this purpose, the enginecontrol and comfort functions, e. g. the climatecontrol output, are adjusted.The extension of the range that is achieved as aresult can be displayed in the instrument cluster.Activating ECO PROPress button repeatedly until ECO PROis displayed in the instrument cluster.Display in the instrument clusterECO PRO bonus rangeAn extension of the range can beachieved by an adjusted drivingstyle.This may be displayed as the bo‐nus range in the instrument clus‐ter.Display in the instrument displayWhen ECO PRO mode is activated, the displayswitches to a special configuration.Some of the displays may differ from the displayin the instrument cluster.Configuring ECO PROVia the Driving Experience Switch1.Activate ECO PRO.2. "Configure ECO PRO"Seite 147Saving fuel Driving tips147Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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