X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Engine oilVehicle equipmentAll standard, country-specific and optionalequipment that is offered in the model series isdescribed in this chapter. Therefore, equipmentis also described that is not available in a vehicle,e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐ment or country variant. This also applies forsafety-related functions and systems.General informationEngine oil consumption depends on drivingstyle and driving conditions, e.g., if your drivingstyle is very sporty engine oil consumption willbe considerably greater.Therefore, regularly check the engine oil levelafter refueling.Checking the oil levelelectronicallyStatus displayThe conceptThe oil level is monitored electronically duringdriving and shown on the Control Display.If the oil level reaches the minimum level, acheck control message is displayed.RequirementsDepending on the previous displays, the statusdisplay appears when the engine is running orafter the vehicle has been driven for at least 30minutes.Displaying the oil level1."Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"3. "Engine oil level"Oil level display messagesDifferent messages appear on the display de‐pending on the oil level. Pay attention to thesemessages.If oil level is too low, immediately add 1 USquart/liter of oil.Take care not to add too much engine oil.Too much engine oilHave the vehicle checked immediately;otherwise, surplus oil can lead to engine dam‐age.◀Detailed measurementThe conceptIn the detailed measurement the oil level ischecked and displayed via a scale.During the measurement, the idle speed is in‐creased somewhat.General informationA detailed measurement is only possible withcertain engines.Requirements▷Automatic transmission: selector lever intransmission position N or P and acceleratornot depressed.▷Vehicle is on a level road and the engine isrunning at operating temperature.Performing a detailed measurementIn order to perform a detailed measurement ofthe engine oil level:1."Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"Seite 165Engine oil Mobility165Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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