X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 8.62MB
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MaintenanceVehicle equipmentAll standard, country-specific and optionalequipment that is offered in the model series isdescribed in this chapter. Therefore, equipmentis also described that is not available in a vehicle,e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐ment or country variant. This also applies forsafety-related functions and systems.BMW Maintenance SystemThe maintenance system directs you to re‐quired maintenance measures and thereby sup‐ports you in maintaining road safety and the op‐erational reliability of the vehicle.Condition Based Service CBSSensors and special algorithms take into ac‐count the driving conditions of your vehicle.Based on this, Condition Based Service deter‐mines the maintenance requirements.The system makes it possible to adapt theamount of maintenance you need to your userprofile.Detailed information on service requirements,refer to page 78, can be displayed on the ControlDisplay.Service data in the remote controlInformation on the required maintenance is con‐tinuously stored in the remote control. Yourservice center will read out this data and suggestthe right array of service procedures for your ve‐hicle.Therefore, hand your service specialist the re‐mote control that you used most recently.Storage periodsStorage periods during which the vehicle bat‐tery was disconnected are not taken into ac‐count.If this occurs, have a service center update thetime-dependent maintenance procedures,such as checking brake fluid and, if necessary,changing the engine oil and the microfilter/acti‐vated-charcoal filter.Service bookletPerform maintenance work at the service cen‐ter, and record the work in the service booklet.The entries are proof of regular maintenance.Service and WarrantyInformation Booklet for USmodels and Warranty andService Guide Booklet forCanadian modelsPlease consult your Service and Warranty Infor‐mation Booklet for US models and Warranty andService Guide Booklet for Canadian models foradditional information on service requirements.Maintenance and repair should be performed byyour service center. Make sure to have regularmaintenance procedures recorded in the vehi‐cle's Service and Warranty Information Bookletfor US models, and in the Warranty and ServiceGuide Booklet for Canadian models. These en‐tries are proof of regular maintenance.Seite 168Mobility Maintenance168Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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