X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Socket for OBD OnboardDiagnosisPositionThere is an OBD socket on the driver's side forchecking the primary components in the vehicleemissions.Emissions▷The warning lamp lights up:Emissions are deteriorating. Havethe vehicle checked as soon as pos‐sible.Canadian model: warning light indi‐cates the engine symbol.▷The warning lamp flashes under certain cir‐cumstances:This indicates that there is excessive misfir‐ing in the engine.Reduce the vehicle speed and have the sys‐tem checked immediately; otherwise, seri‐ous engine misfiring within a brief period canseriously damage emission control compo‐nents, in particular the catalytic converter.Fuel capThe indicator lamp lights up.If the fuel cap is not properly tightened,the OBD system may conclude that fuelvapor is escaping. If the cap is then tightened,the display should go out in a short time.Data memoryYour vehicle records data relating to vehicle op‐eration, faults and user settings. These data arestored in the remote control and can be read outwith suitable devices, particularly when the ve‐hicle is serviced. The data obtained in this wayprovide valuable information for service proc‐esses and repair or for optimizing and develop‐ing vehicle functions further.In addition, if you signed a service contract forBMW Assist, certain vehicle data can be sentdirectly from the vehicle to facilitate the desiredservices.Event Data Recorder EDRThis vehicle is equipped with an event data re‐corder EDR. The main purpose of an EDR is torecord, in certain crash or near crash-like situa‐tions, such as an air bag deployment or hitting aroad obstacle, data that will assist in under‐standing how a vehicle’s systems performed.The EDR is designed to record data related tovehicle dynamics and safety systems for a shortperiod of time, typically 30 seconds or less.The EDR in this vehicle is designed to recordsuch data as:▷How various systems in your vehicle wereoperating.▷Whether or not the driver and passengersafety belts were fastened.▷How far, if at all, the driver was depressingthe accelerator and/or brake pedal.▷How fast the vehicle was traveling.These data can help provide a better under‐standing of the circumstances in which crashesand injuries occur.EDR data are recorded by your vehicle only if anontrivial crash situation occurs; no data are re‐corded by the EDR under normal driving condi‐tions and no personal data, e.g., name, gender,age, and crash location, are recorded.Seite 169Maintenance Mobility169Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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