X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 8.62MB
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211page / 8.62MB
Function CommandSplit screen, map facing north. ›Split screen map facing north‹Split screen, current position. ›Split screen current position‹Split screen, facing the direction of travel. ›Split screen map in direction of travel‹Split screen, perspective. ›Split screen perspective‹Split screen, expanded intersection zoom. ›Splitscreen Exit ramp view‹Split screen scale...feet. › Split screen scale ... feet ‹ e.g., split screen scale100 feetSplit screen scale...meters. ›Split screen scale ... meters‹ e.g., split screenscale 100 metersSplit screen scale...kilometers. › Split screen scale ... kilometers ‹ e.g., split screenscale 5 kilometersSplit screen scale...miles. ›Split screen scale ... miles‹ e.g., split screenscale 5 milesSplit screen, highlight the traffic situation. ›Split screen, Traffic conditions‹Split screen, computer. ›Split screen on board info‹Split screen, trip computer. ›Splitscreen trip computer‹Split screen, scale automatically. ›Split screen automatic scaling‹Destination guidance with intermediate destinations Function CommandEnter a new destination. ›Enter address‹Trip list. ›Stored trips‹RadioFM Function CommandOpen a frequency. ›Frequency ... megahertz‹ e.g., 93.5 megahertzor frequency 93.5Open the radio. ›Radio‹Seite 196Reference Short commands of the voice act. system196Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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