X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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New wheels and tires 160 No Passing Information 79 Nylon rope for tow-starting/towing 181 OOBD Onboard Diagnos‐tics 169 Obstacle marking, backupcamera 115 Octane rating, refer to Gaso‐line quality 154 Odometer 77 Office, see user's manual forNavigation, Entertainmentand Communication Oil 165 Oil, adding 166 Oil additives 166 Oil change 166 Oil change interval, service re‐quirements 78 Oil filler neck 166 Oil types, alternative 166 Oil types, approved 166 Old batteries, disposal 177 Onboard DiagnosticsOBD 169 Onboard monitor, refer toControl Display 16 Onboard vehicle tool kit 171 Opening/closing from in‐side 37 Opening/closing via doorlock 36 Opening/closing with remotecontrol 34 Operating concept, iDrive 16 Optional equipment, standardequipment 6 Outside air, refer to Automaticrecirculated-air control 124 Overheating of engine, refer toCoolant temperature 76 Overtaking prohibitions 79 PPaint, vehicle 184 Panic mode 35 Panoramic glass sunroof 43 Park Distance ControlPDC 112 Parked-car ventilation 125 Parked vehicle, condensa‐tion 142 Parking aid, refer to PDC 112 Parking brake 63 Parking lamps 86 Parking lamps, bulb replace‐ment 173 Parking with Auto Hold 64 Partition net 132 Passenger side mirror, tiltingdownward 53 Pathway lines, backup cam‐era 115 PDC Park Distance Con‐trol 112 Performance Control 103 Personal Profile 31 Pinch protection system, glasssunroof 44 Pinch protection system, win‐dows 43 Plastic, care 185 Power failure 177 Power windows 42 Pressure, tire air pres‐sure 155 Pressure warning, tires 97 Profile, refer to Personal Pro‐file 31 Programmable memory but‐tons, iDrive 21 Protective function, glass sun‐roof 44 Protective function, win‐dows 43 Push-and-turn switch, refer toController 16, 17 RRadiator fluid 167 Radio-operated key, refer toRemote control 30 Radio ready state 59 Radio, see user's manual forNavigation, Entertainmentand Communication Rain sensor 67 Rear lamps 175 Rear socket 130 Rearview mirror 52 Rear window de‐froster 122 , 124 Recirculated-air filter 125 Recirculated-airmode 121 , 124 Recommended tirebrands 161 Refueling 152 Remaining range 77 Remote control/key 30 Remote control, malfunc‐tion 35 Remote control, universal 127 Replacement fuse 177 Replacing parts 171 Replacing wheels/tires 160 Reporting safety defects 8 Reserve warning, refer toRange 77 Resetting, Tire Pressure Mon‐itor TPM 95 Retaining straps, securingcargo 144 Retreaded tires 161 Roadside parking lamps 87 Roller sunblinds 43 RON gasoline quality 154 Roof load capacity 191 Roof-mounted luggagerack 142 Rope for tow-starting/tow‐ing 181 Seite 207Everything from A to Z Reference207Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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