X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Tilting the glass sunroofPush switch upward briefly.▷The closed roof is tilted andthe sliding visor opensslightly.▷The opened roof closes untilit is in its tilted position. Thesliding visor stays completelyopen.Opening/closing the sliding visor▷Press the switch in the de‐sired direction to the resist‐ance point and hold it there.The sliding visor moves whilethe switch is being held.▷Press the switch in the desired directionpast the resistance point.The sliding visor moves automatically.Pressing the switch again stops the motion.Opening/closing the glass sunroofWhen the sliding visor is open, proceed as de‐scribed under Sliding visor.Opening/closing the glass sunroof andsliding visor togetherBriefly press the switch twice insuccession in the desired direc‐tion past the resistance point.The glass sunroof and sliding visor move to‐gether. Pressing the switch again stops the mo‐tion.Convenient operation, refer to page 34, via theremote control.Convenient closing, refer to page 40, with Com‐fort Access.Comfort positionStops the roof in the comfort position if the roofis not fully open. This reduces wind noise in thepassenger compartment.If desired, continue the movement by pressingthe switch.Pinch protection systemIf the closing force when closing the glass sun‐roof exceeds a certain value, the closing move‐ment is stopped, beginning at approximately themiddle of the opening in the roof, or from thetilted position during closing.The glass sunroof opens again slightly.Danger of pinching even with pinch pro‐tectionDespite the pinch protection system, check thatthe roof's closing path is clear; otherwise, theclosing action may not be interrupted in certainextreme situations, such as when thin objectsare present.◀Closing from the open position withoutpinch protectionFor example, if there is an external danger, pro‐ceed as follows:1. Press the switch forward beyond the resist‐ance point and hold.Pinch protection is limited and the roof re‐opens slightly if the closing force exceeds acertain value.2.Press the switch forward again beyond theresistance point and hold until the roofcloses without pinch protection.Seite 44Controls Opening and closing44Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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