X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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AdjustingVehicle equipmentAll standard, country-specific and optionalequipment that is offered in the model series isdescribed in this chapter. Therefore, equipmentis also described that is not available in a vehicle,e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐ment or country variant. This also applies forsafety-related functions and systems.Sitting safelyThe ideal seating position can make a vital con‐tribution to relaxed, fatigue-free driving.The seating position plays an important role inan accident in combination with:▷Safety belts, refer to page 49.▷Head restraints, refer to page 50.▷Airbags, refer to page 91.SeatsGeneral informationDo not adjust the seat while drivingDo not adjust the driver's seat while driv‐ing, or the seat could respond with unexpectedmovement and the ensuing loss of vehicle con‐trol could lead to an accident.◀Do not incline the backrest too far to therearAlso on the front passenger side, do not inclinethe backrest on the front passenger side too farto the rear during driving, or there is a risk ofslipping under the safety belt in the event of anaccident. This would eliminate the protectionnormally provided by the belt.◀Manually adjustable seatsAt a glance1 Forward/backward2 Thigh support3 Seat tilt4 Backrest width5 Lumbar support6 Height7 Backrest tiltForward/backwardPull the lever and slide the seat in the desireddirection.After releasing the lever, move the seat forwardor back slightly to make sure it engages prop‐erly.Seite 46Controls Adjusting46Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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