X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Current fuel consumptionDisplays the current fuel con‐sumption. You can checkwhether you are currently drivingin an efficient and environmen‐tally-friendly manner.Displaying the current fuelconsumption1. "Settings"2. "Info display"3. "Additional indicators"The bar display for the current fuel consumptionis displayed in the instrument cluster.Energy recoveryThe kinetic energy of the vehicleis converted to electrical energywhile coasting. The vehicle bat‐tery is partially charged and fuelconsumption can be reduced.Service requirementsDisplayThe driving distance or the time to the nextscheduled maintenance is displayed briefly afterthe ignition is switched on.The current service requirements can be readout from the remote control by the service spe‐cialist.Data regarding the service status or legally man‐dated inspections of the vehicle are automati‐cally transmitted to your service center before aservice due date.Detailed information on servicerequirementsMore information on the scope of service re‐quired can be displayed on the Control Display.1. "Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"3. "Service required"Required maintenance procedures and le‐gally mandated inspections are displayed.4.Select an entry to call up detailed informa‐tion.Seite 78Controls Displays78Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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