X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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SymbolsSymbols DescriptionNo service is currently required.The deadline for service or a le‐gally mandated inspection isapproaching.The service deadline has al‐ready passed.Entering appointment datesEnter the dates for the required inspections.Ensure that the vehicle date and time are setcorrectly.1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Service required"4. "§ Vehicle inspection"5. "Date:"6. Adjust the settings.7.Confirm.The entered date is stored.Automatic Service RequestData regarding the service status or legally man‐dated inspections of the vehicle are automati‐cally transmitted to your service center before aservice due date.You can check when your service center wasnotified.1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. Open "Options".4. "Last Service Request"Speed limit detection with NoPassing InformationThe conceptSpeed limit detectionSpeed limit detection uses a symbol in theshape of a traffic sign to display the currentlydetected speed limit. The camera at the base ofthe interior rearview mirror detects traffic signsat the edge of the road as well as variable over‐head sign posts. Traffic signs with extra symbolsfor wet road conditions, etc. are also detectedand compared with vehicle interior data, such asfor the rain sensor, and are displayed dependingon the situation. The system takes into accountthe information stored in the navigation systemand also displays speed limits present on routeswithout signs.No Passing InformationNo Passing Information displays in the instru‐ment cluster the beginnings and ends of nopassing zones detected by the camera. The sys‐tem accounts for only the beginnings and endsof No Passing zones marked by signs.No display is shown:▷In countries where No Passing zones areprimarily identified with road markings.▷On routes without signage.▷Where there are railroad crossings, highwaymarkings or other situations where no sig‐nage is present, but passing would not bepermitted.NotesPersonal judgmentThe system cannot serve as a substitutefor the driver's personal judgment of the trafficsituation.The system assists the driver and does not re‐place the human eye.◀Seite 79Displays Controls79Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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