X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 8.62MB
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211page / 8.62MB
Adaptive light controlThe conceptAdaptive light control is a variable headlampcontrol system that enables dynamic illumina‐tion of the road surface.Depending on the steering angle and other pa‐rameters, the light from the headlamp followsthe course of the road.ActivatingSwitch position with the ignition switchedon.The turning lamps are automatically switchedon depending on the steering angle or the useof turn signals.To avoid blinding oncoming traffic, the AdaptiveLight Control does not swivel to the driver's sidewhen the vehicle is at a standstill.When driving in reverse, only the turning lamp isactive.Self-leveling headlightsThe self-leveling headlights feature adapts thelight distribution to the contours of the road.The light distribution is lowered on hilltops toavoid blinding oncoming traffic and tilted in de‐pressions to increase visibility.MalfunctionA Check Control message is displayed.Adaptive light control is malfunctioning or hasfailed. Have the system checked as soon as pos‐sible.Headlamp range controlWith halogen headlamps, the headlamp range ofthe low beams can be manually adjusted for thevehicle load to avoid blinding oncoming traffic.The values following the slash apply to traileroperation.0 / 1 = 1 to 2 people without luggage.1 / 1 = 5 people without luggage.1 / 2 = 5 people with luggage.2 / 2 = 1 person, full cargo area.High-beam AssistantThe conceptIf while in switch position or the lowbeams are automatically switched on, this sys‐tem automatically switches the high beams onand then off. The procedure is controlled by asensor on the front of the interior rearview mir‐ror. The assistant ensures that the high beamsare switched on whenever the traffic situationallows. The driver can intervene at any time andswitch the high beams on and off as usual.Activating1. Turn the light switch to or .2.Press the button on the turn signal lever, ar‐row.The indicator lamp in the instrumentcluster lights up.When the lights are switched on, thehigh beams are switched on and off automati‐cally.The system responds to light from oncomingtraffic and traffic driving ahead of you, and to ad‐equate illumination, e.g., in towns and cities.Seite 88Controls Lamps88Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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