X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Switching the high beams on and offmanually▷High beams on, arrow 1.▷High beams off/headlamp flasher, arrow 2.The High-beam Assistant can be switched offwhen manually adjusting the light. To reactivatethe High-beam Assistant, press the button onthe turn signal lever.System limitsPersonal responsibilityThe high-beam assistant cannot serve asa substitute for the driver's personal judgmentof when to use the high beams. Therefore, man‐ually switch off the high beams in situationswhere this is required to avoid a safety risk.◀The system is not fully functional in situationssuch as the following, and driver interventionmay be necessary:▷In very unfavorable weather conditions,such as fog or heavy precipitation.▷In detecting poorly-lit road users, such aspedestrians, cyclists, horseback riders andwagons; when driving close to train or shiptraffic; and at animal crossings.▷In tight curves, on hilltops or in depressions,in cross traffic or half-obscured oncomingtraffic on freeways.▷In poorly-lit towns and cities and in the pres‐ence of highly reflective signs.▷At low speeds.▷When the windshield in front of the interiorrearview mirror is fogged over, dirty or cov‐ered with stickers, etc.CameraThe camera is located near the base of the mir‐ror.Keep the windshield in the area behind the in‐terior rear view mirror clean and clear.Fog lampsFront fog lampsThe parking lamps or low beams must beswitched on.Press the button. The green indicatorlamp lights up.If the automatic headlamp control, refer topage 87, is activated, the low beams will comeon automatically when you switch on the frontfog lamps.Instrument lightingAdjustingThe parking lamps or low beamsmust be switched on to adjust thebrightness.Adjust the brightness using thethumbwheel.Seite 89Lamps Controls89Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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