X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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can then be controlled by the button on theinterior rearview mirror.If the LED does not flash faster after at least60 seconds, change the distance and repeatthe step. Several more attempts at differentdistances may be necessary. Wait at least15 seconds between attempts.Canada: if programming with the hand-heldtransmitter was interrupted, hold down theinterior rearview mirror button and repeat‐edly press and release the hand-held trans‐mitter button for 2 seconds.ControlsBefore operationBefore operating a system using theintegrated universal remote control, ensure thatthere are no people, animals, or objects withinthe range of movement of the remote-controlledsystem; otherwise, there is a risk of injury ordamage.Also follow the safety instructions of the hand-held transmitter.◀The system, such as the garage door, can beoperated using the button on the interior rear‐view mirror while the engine is running or whenthe ignition is started. To do this, hold down thebutton within receiving range of the system untilthe function is activated. The interior rearviewmirror LED stays lit while the wireless signal isbeing transmitted.Deleting stored functionsPress and hold the left and right button on theinterior rearview mirror simultaneously for ap‐proximately 20 seconds until the LED flashesrapidly. All stored functions are deleted. Thefunctions cannot be deleted individually.Connecting electrical devicesNoteDo not plug the charger into the socketDo not connect battery chargers to thefactory-installed sockets in the vehicle. Doing somay result in damage to the vehicle.◀SocketsSockets can be used for the operation of elec‐trical devices with the engine running or with theignition switched on. The total load of all socketsmust not exceed 140 watts at 12 volts.Do not damage the socket by using unsuitableconnectors.Front center consoleRemove cover.Center armrestRemove cover.Seite 129Interior equipment Controls129Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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