X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Storage compartmentsVehicle equipmentAll standard, country-specific and optionalequipment that is offered in the model series isdescribed in this chapter. Therefore, equipmentis also described that is not available in a vehicle,e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐ment or country variant. This also applies forsafety-related functions and systems.NotesNo loose objects in the passenger com‐partmentDo not stow any objects in the passenger com‐partment without securing them; otherwise,they may present a danger to occupants for in‐stance during braking and avoidance maneu‐vers.◀Do not place anti-slip mats on the dash‐boardDo not place anti-slip mats on the dashboard.The mat materials could damage the dash‐board.◀Storage compartmentsThe following storage compartments are avail‐able in the vehicle interior:▷Glove compartment on the front passengerside, refer to page 134 .▷Storage compartment in the front centerarmrest, refer to page 135 .▷Compartments in the doors.▷Pockets on the backrests of the front seats.▷Net in the front passenger footwell.Glove compartmentFront passenger sideOpeningPull the handle.The light in the glove compartment switches on.Close the glove compartment again im‐mediatelyClose the glove compartment immediately afteruse while driving; otherwise, injury may occurduring accidents.◀ClosingFold up the cover.LockingLock glove compartment with an integrated key,refer to page 30.Then the remote control device without anintegrated key can be handed over, e.g. in thehotel. Access to the glove box is not possible.Seite 134Controls Storage compartments134Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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