X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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If they are very dirty, e.g., beverage stains, use asoft sponge or microfiber cloth with a suitableinterior cleaner.Clean the upholstery down to the seams usinglarge sweeping motions. Avoid rubbing the ma‐terial vigorously.Damage from Velcro® fastenersOpen Velcro® fasteners on pants or otherarticles of clothing can damage the seat covers.Ensure that any Velcro® fasteners are closed. ◀Caring for special componentsLight-alloy wheelsUse wheel cleaner, particularly during the wintermonths. Do not use aggressive, acidic, stronglyalkaline or abrasive cleaners, or steam jetsabove 140 ℉/60 ℃; follow the manufacturer'sinstructions.Chrome surfacesCarefully clean components such as the radiatorgrille or door handles with an ample supply ofwater, possibly with shampoo added, particu‐larly when they have been exposed to road salt.Rubber componentsAside from water, treat only with rubber cleans‐ers.When cleaning rubber seals, do not use any sil‐icon-containing car care products in order toavoid damage or reduced noise damping.Fine wood partsClean fine wood facing and fine wood compo‐nents only with a moist rag. Then dry with a softcloth.Plastic componentsThese include:▷Imitation leather surfaces.▷Headliner.▷Lamp lenses.▷Instrument cluster cover.▷Matte black spray-coated components.▷Painted parts in the interior.Clean with a microfiber cloth.Lightly dampen the cloth with water.Do not soak the headliner.Do not use cleansers that contain alcoholor solventsDo not use cleansers that contain alcohol or sol‐vents, such as lacquer thinners, heavy-dutygrease removers, fuel, or such; this could lead tosurface damage.◀Safety beltsDirty belt straps impede the reeling action andthus have a negative impact on safety.Chemical cleaningDo not clean chemically; this can destroythe webbing.◀Use only a mild soapy solution, with the safetybelts clipped into their buckles.Do not allow the reels to retract the safety beltsuntil they are dry.Carpets and floor matsNo objects in the area around the pedalsKeep floor mats, carpets, and any otherobjects out of the area of motion of the pedals;otherwise, the function of the pedals could beimpeded while drivingDo not place additional floor mats over existingmats or other objects.Only use floor mats that have been approved forthe vehicle and can be properly fixed in place.Ensure that the floor mats are securely fastenedagain after they were removed for cleaning, forexample.◀Floor mats can be removed from the passengercompartment for cleaning.Seite 185Care Mobility185Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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