ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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SAFETY FUNCTIONS When the engine is stopped by the Start&Stop system, if the driverreleases his/her seat belt and opens the driver's or passenger's door,the engine can be restarted only using the ignition key.The driver is informed by a buzzer and by the flashing of the symbolon the display; on some versions, a message is displayed as well."ENERGY SAVING" FUNCTION (for versions/markets, where provided)If, following automatic engine restarting, the driver does not carry outany action on the car for over 3 minutes, the Start&Stop system stopsthe engine once and for all, to prevent fuel consumption. In thesecases, the engine can be restarted only using the ignition key.NOTE In any case, it is possible to keep the engine running bydeactivating the Start&Stop system.IRREGULAR OPERATION In the event of malfunction, the Start&Stop system is deactivated.The driver is informed of the fault by the flashingsymbol (versionswith multifunction display) orsymbol (versions with reconfigurablemultifunction display). For versions/markets where provided, amessage is also displayed.In this case, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.CAR INACTIVITY In the event of car inactivity (or if the battery is replaced), specialattention must be paid to the disconnection of the battery powersupply.Proceed as follows: detach the connector A fig. 90 (by pressing buttonB) from sensor C for monitoring the status of the battery installed onthe negative battery pole D. This sensor should never be disconnectedfrom the pole except if the battery is replaced.In case of battery replacement, always contact AlfaRomeo Authorized Services. Replace the battery withone of the same type (HEAVY DUTY) and with the samespecifications.IMPORTANT After turning the ignition key to STOP, wait at least 1minute before disconnecting the electrical supply to the battery.fig. 90A0K0179105GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX