ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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SYMBOLS Some car components have coloured labels whose symbols indicateprecautions to be observed when using this component. Under thebonnet there is also a label that summarises all the symbols.ALFA ROMEO CODE SYSTEM To further protect your car from theft, it has been fitted with an engineimmobilising system. It is automatically activated when the ignitionkey is removed.Each key contains an electronic device which modulates the signalemitted during ignition by an antenna built into the ignition device. Themodulated signal, which changes each time the engine is started, isthe “password”, by means of which the control unit recognises the keyand enables to start the engine.OPERATION Each time the car is started by turning the ignition key to MAR, theAlfa Romeo CODE system control unit sends an acknowledgementcode to the engine management control unit to deactivate the inhibitor.The code is sent only if the Alfa Romeo CODE system control unit hasrecognised the code transmitted from the key.Each time the ignition key is turned to STOP, the Alfa Romeo CODEsystem deactivates the functions of the engine management controlunit. If, during starting, the code is not correctly recognised, thewarning light switches on in the instrument panel.In this case, turn the key to STOP and then to MAR; if it is still locked,try again with the other keys that come with the vehicle. If you arestill unable to start the engine contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.32GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX