ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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ANTI-PINCH SAFETY DEVICE The sun roof has an anti-pinch safety system capable of detecting thepresence of an obstacle whilst the roof is closing; when this happens,the system stops and the movement of the front glass is immediatelyreversed.SUN BLINDS To open the blinds, grip handle A fig. 64, following the directionindicated by the arrow until the desired position is reached. To close it,carry out the procedure in reverse.INITIALISATION PROCEDURE After the battery has been disconnected or a fuse has blown, theoperation of the sun roof must be initialised again.Proceed as follows:❒ press button B fig. 63 until the roof is completely closed. Release thebutton;❒ press B button and keep it pressed for at least 10 seconds and/oruntil the glass panel clicks forwards. Release the button at this point;❒ within 5 seconds of the previous operation, press button B and holdit down: the front glass panel will complete a full opening andclosing cycle. Only release the button at the end of this cycle.MAINTENANCE/EMERGENCY In the event of emergency or maintenance, the roof can be movedmanually when there is no power supply (opening/closing of the frontglass panel) by carrying out the following operations:❒ remove the protective cap A fig. 65 located on the internal lining,between the two sun blinds;❒ take the Allen key B supplied, which is located in the on-boarddocumentation container or in the tool container in the luggagecompartment;❒ introduce the key into housing C and turn it clockwise to open theroof or anticlockwise to close the roof.fig. 64A0K0233fig. 65A0K013282GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX