ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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EBD failureThe simultaneous switching on of the(red) and(amber)warning lights with the engine on, indicates either a failure of the EBDsystem or that the system is not available. In this case, the rear wheelsmay suddenly lock and the vehicle may swerve when braking sharply.Drive with extreme caution straight to the nearest Alfa RomeoAuthorized Services to have the system checked.The display will show the dedicated message.ABS FAILURE (amber)Turning the key to the MAR position illuminates the warning light, but itshould switch off after a few seconds.The warning light (or symbol on the display) lights up when the systemis inefficient. Under these circumstances the braking system will workas normal without the extra performance offered by the ABS system.Drive with caution and contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services assoon as possible.The display will show the dedicated message.Brake pad wear (amber)(for versions/markets, where provided)The warning light (or symbol on the display) switches on when thefront and rear brake pads are worn. In this situation, replace as soonas possible.The display will show the dedicated message.Airbag failure (red)Turning the key to the MAR position illuminates the warning light, but itshould switch off after a few seconds.The warning light stays on constantly if there is a failure in the airbagsystem.The display will show the dedicated message.If, when the key is turned to MAR, thewarninglight does not come on or if it stays on with the vehiclein motion (together with the message on the display)there could be a failure in the restraint systems; under thesecircumstances the airbags or pretensioners may not be triggeredin the event of an accident or, more rarely, they could betriggered accidentally. Before proceeding, contact Alfa RomeoAuthorized Services to have the system checked immediately.7GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX