ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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The failure of thewarning light is indicated by theflashing, for more than the normal 4 seconds, of the.In addition, the airbag system automatically disables the airbagson the passenger’s side (front airbag and side bags forversions/markets, where provided). In this case, thewarninglight may not indicate a fault in the restraint systems. Beforeproceeding, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services to have thesystem checked immediately.Passenger side airbag/sidebags deactivated (amber)Thewarning light switches on when the front passenger side airbagand side bag are disabled.With front passenger airbag on, when the ignition key is turned toMAR, thewarning light switches on constantly for several seconds,flashes for another few seconds and then should switch off.A failure of thewarning light is indicated by thewarning light switching on. In addition, the airbagsystem automatically disables the airbags on thepassenger's side (front and side bags where provided). Beforeproceeding, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services to have thesystem checked immediately.Seat belts not fastened (red)(for versions/markets, where provided)The warning light remains on steadily with the car at stationary andthe driver's seat belt not correctly fastened.The warning light will flash and a buzzer will sound if the vehicle is inmotion and the front seat belts are not correctly fastened.Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services if you wish to permanentlydeactivate the SBR (Seat Belt Reminder) system buzzer. The system canbe reactivated using the Set-up Menu.Low battery charge (red)(for versions/markets, where provided)When the ignition key is turned to MAR, the warning light switches onbut should switch off as soon as the engine is started (with the engineidling, a brief delay is acceptable).Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services if the warning light (orsymbol on the display) remains on or flashes.8GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX