ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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The main functions that can be activated with the keys (with or without remote control) are the following: Type of keyUnlocking thedoorsLocking thedoors from theoutsideSafe Lockactivation(*)Unlocking thetailgateLoweringwindows(*)Raisingwindows(*)Key withoutremote control/Key with remotecontrolAnticlockwise keyturn (driver side)Clockwise key turn(driver side)----Key with remotecontrolBrief press ofbuttonBrief press ofbuttonDouble press ofbuttonBrief press ofbuttonLong press (morethan 2 seconds) ofbuttonLong press (morethan 2 seconds) ofbuttonFlashing directionindicators (onlywith key withremote control)2 flashes 1 flash 3 flashes 2 flashes 2 flashes 1 flashDeterrent LED Switching offSwitching onconstantly forabout 3 seconds,followed bydeterrence LEDflashingDouble flash,followed bydeterrenceflashingDeterrenceflashingSwitching offDeterrenceflashing(*)For versions/markets, where provided. IMPORTANT Window opening operation is a consequence of a door unlocking control; window closing operation is a consequence of a doorlocking control.37GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX