ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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IMPORTANT Never connect the negative terminals of the two batteriesdirectly! If the auxiliary battery is installed on another car, preventaccidental contact between metallic parts of the two cars.Never use a fast battery-charger to start the engine as thiscould damage the electronic systems of your car,particularly the ignition and fuel supply control units.This starting procedure must be performed by expertpersonnel because incorrect actions could causeelectrical discharge of considerable intensity.Furthermore, battery fluid is poisonous and corrosive: avoidcontact with skin and eyes. Keep naked flames and lightedcigarettes away from the battery and do not cause sparks.BUMP STARTING Never start the engine by pushing, towing or coasting downhill.REPLACING A WHEEL GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The car is equipped with the “Fix&Go Automatic Kit”: see theparagraph “Fix&Go Automatic Kit” for how to use this device.As an alternative to the “Fix&Go Automatic Kit” the car may beequipped with a space-saver wheel: see the instructions on thefollowing pages for changing the tyre.The spare wheel is specific for your car. Do not use iton cars of different models. Do not use spare wheels ofdifferent models on your car. The space-saver wheelmust only be used in case of emergency. It must only be used forthe distance necessary to reach a service point and the car speedmust not exceed 80 km/h. The space-saver wheel has an orangesticker that summarises the main cautions for use and limitations.Never remove or cover the label. Never apply any hub cap tothe space-saver spare wheel.Alert other drivers that the car is stationary incompliance with local regulations: hazard warninglights, warning triangle, etc. Any passengers on boardshould leave the car, especially if it is heavily laden. Passengersshould stay away from on-coming traffic while the wheel isbeing changed. In case of steep slopes or rough slopes, placewedges or other materials suitable to stop the vehicle under thewheels.143GETTING TO KNOWYOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN ANEMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX