ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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AIR CLEANER/POLLENFILTER/DIESEL FILTERContact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services to replace the filters.BATTERY Battery F (see previous pages) does not require the electrolyte to betopped up with distilled water. A periodic check carried out at AlfaRomeo Authorized Services is, however, necessary to check efficiency.REPLACING THE BATTERY If necessary, replace the battery with another genuine battery with thesame specifications. Follow the battery manufacturer's instructionsfor maintenance.USEFUL ADVICE FOR EXTENDING THELIFE OF YOUR BATTERYTo avoid draining your battery rapidly and maintain its efficiency overtime, carefully observe the following instructions:❒ when you park the car, ensure that the doors, bonnet and flaps areclosed correctly, to prevent any roof lights from remaining on insidethe passenger compartment;❒ switch off all roof lights inside the car: the car is however equippedwith a system which switches all internal lights off automatically;❒ do not keep accessories (e.g. sound system, hazard lights, etc.)switched on for a long time when the engine is not running;❒ before performing any operation on the electrical system, disconnectthe negative battery pole;IMPORTANT After the battery is disconnected, the steering must beinitialised. Thewarning light switches on to indicate this. To carryout this procedure, simply turn the steering wheel all the way from oneend to the other or drive in a straight line for about a hundred metres.192GETTING TO KNOWYOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX