ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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TRIP button 0.00 The TRIP 0.00 button is located on the right hand stalkfig. 11. With theignition key turned to MAR-ON, this button allows you to view thepreviously described values and also set them to zero to begin a newmission:❒ short press: display various values;❒ long press: values reset and start of a new mission.New mission This begins after a reset:❒ “manual” resetting by the user, by pressing the relevant button;❒ “automatic” resetting, when the “trip distance” reaches 99999.9 kmor when the “Travel time” reaches 999:59 (999 hours and 59minutes);❒ after disconnection/reconnection of the battery.IMPORTANT The reset operation when “Trip A” details are beingdisplayed only resets the information associated with this function.IMPORTANT The reset operation when “Trip B” details are beingdisplayed resets only the information associated with this function.Start of journey procedure With the ignition key at MAR-ON, reset by pressing the TRIP 0.00button and holding it down for more than 2 seconds.Trip Exit You can automatically exit the Trip function once all the values havebeen displayed or by holding the SET/button down for more than1 second.fig. 11A0K009631GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX