ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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VERY IMPORTANT REFUELLINGPetrol engines : only refuel with unleaded petrol withoctane rating (RON) not less than 95 in compliance with theEuropean Standard EN228.Diesel engines : refuel only with diesel fuel conforming tothe European specification EN590. The use of other productsor mixtures may damage the engine beyond repair andconsequently invalidate the warranty, due to the damagecaused.STARTING THE ENGINEPetrol engines : make sure that the handbrake is engaged,set the gear lever to neutral, fully depress the clutch withoutdepressing the accelerator, then turn the ignition key to AVVand release it as soon as the engine has started.Diesel engines : turn the ignition key to MAR and wait forthe warning lightsandto go out; then turn theignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine hasstarted.PARKING ON FLAMMABLE MATERIALThe catalytic converter develops high temperatures duringoperation. Do not park the car on grass, dry leaves, pineneedles or other flammable material: fire hazard.RESPECTING THE ENVIRONMENTThe car is fitted with a system that carries out a continuousdiagnosis of the emission-related components in order to helpprotect the environment.ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIESIf after having purchased the car you decide to addaccessories requiring electricity (with the risk of graduallydraining the battery), contact Alfa Romeo AuthorizedServices. They can calculate the overall electric requirementand check that the car's electric system can support therequired load.CODE card (for versions/markets, where provided)Keep it in a safe place, not in the car. We recommend thatyou always carry the electronic code provided on the CODEcard with you, in case you need to perform an emergencystart.SCHEDULED SERVICINGCorrect maintenance of the car is essential for ensuring that itmaintains its performance and its safety features, itsenvironmental friendliness and low running costs for a longtime to come.THE OWNER MANUAL CONTAINS…...important information, advice and warnings for correct use,driving safety and maintenance of your car over time.Particular attention should be paid to information markedwith the following symbols:(personal safety)(environmental protection)(car integrity).