ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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Climate control systemUsing the climate control system will increase consumption: use the airvents when the external temperature allows it.Devices for aerodynamic controlThe use of non-certified devices for aerodynamic control may adverselyaffect air drag and fuel consumption.DRIVING STYLE StartingDo not warm up the engine at low or high revs when the vehicle isstationary; this causes the engine to warm up more slowly, therebyincreasing fuel consumption and emissions. It is therefore advisable tomove off immediately, slowly, avoiding high speeds: in this way theengine will warm up more quickly.Unnecessary actionsAvoid revving up when at traffic lights or before switching off theengine. The latter action, like double-declutching, is unnecessary andcauses increased fuel consumption and pollution.Gear selectionUse a higher gear when traffic and road conditions allow it. Using alow gear for faster acceleration will increase consumption. In the sameway improper use of a high gear increases consumption, emissionsand engine wear.Maximum speedFuel consumption considerably increases as speed increases. Keepyour speed as even as possible, avoiding unnecessary braking andacceleration which cause excessive fuel consumption and increasedemissions.AccelerationAccelerating violently severely affects consumption and emissions:acceleration should be gradual and should not exceed the maximumtorque.CONDITIONS OF USE Cold startingShort distances and frequent cold start-ups will prevent the engine fromreaching optimal running temperature. This results in a significantincrease in consumption levels (from +15 to +30% on the urban cycle)and emissions.Traffic and road conditionsHigh fuel consumption is caused by heavy traffic, for instance whentravelling in a queue with frequent use of low gears or in large townswith many traffic lights. Winding mountain roads and rough roadsurfaces also adversely affect consumption.Stops in trafficDuring prolonged stops (e.g. level crossings) switch the engine off.138GETTING TO KNOWYOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX