ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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SERVICING AND MAINTENANCESCHEDULED SERVICING Correct servicing is essential in guaranteeing a long life for the carunder the best conditions.For this reason, Alfa Romeo has prepared a series of checks andservice operations to be carried out every 30,000 kilometres (for 1.4petrol versions) or every 35,000 kilometres (for 1750 Turbo Petrol anddiesel versions).Check the items on the Scheduled Servicing Plan (e.g. periodicallycheck level of liquids, tyre pressure, etc.) before 30,000/35,000 kmand between these services deadlines.Scheduled Servicing is carried out at Alfa Romeo Authorized Servicesaccording to a set time schedule. If, during each operation, in additionto the ones scheduled, the need arises for further replacements orrepairs, these may be carried out only with the explicit agreement ofthe Customer. If your car is used frequently for towing, the intervalbetween one service operation and the next should be reduced.WARNINGAt 2,000 km from the next service operation the display will show amessage.The Scheduled Services intervals are set out by the Manufacturer.Failure to comply with the schedule may invalidate the warranty.It is advisable to inform Alfa Romeo Authorized Services of any smallfaults without waiting for the next scheduled service.177GETTING TO KNOWYOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX