ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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292page / 13.06MB
FUEL SUPPLY Versions Fuel supply1.4 Turbo MultiAirPhased sequential electronic injection with knock control and variableintake valve actuation1.4 Turbo Petrol - 1750 Turbo PetrolElectronically controlled phased sequential multipoint electronicinjection with turbo and intercooler1.6 JTDM- 2.0 JTDMElectronically controlled Common Rail MultiJet direct injection withturbo and intercoolerModifications or repairs to the fuel supply system that are not carried out correctly or do not take the system's technicalspecifications into account can cause malfunctions leading to the risk of fire.210GETTING TO KNOWYOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX