ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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UseFluid and lubricant features for a correct useof the carGenuine fluids andlubricantsApplicationsLubricants andgreases for drivetransmissionsystemSAE 75W grade synthetic lubricant.FIAT Classification 9.55550-MZ6.TUTELATRANSMISSIONGEARFORCEContractual TechnicalReference No. F002.F10Gearboxes anddifferentials(mechanical)Molybdenum disulphide grease, for use at hightemperatures. NL.G.I. 1-2 consistencyFIAT 9.55580 ClassificationTUTELA ALL STARContractual TechnicalReference No. F702.G07Wheel side constantvelocity jointsGrease for constant velocity joints with low frictioncoefficient. NL.GI. 0-1 consistencyFIAT 9.55580 ClassificationTUTELA STAR 700Contractual TechnicalReference No. F701.C07Differential side constantvelocity jointsBrake fluidSynthetic fluid for brake and clutch systems. Exceedsspecifications: FMVSS no. 116 DOT 4, ISO 4925,SAE J1704.FIAT 9.55597 ClassificationTUTELA TOP 4Contractual TechnicalReference No. F001.A93Brake and clutchhydraulic controls228GETTING TO KNOWYOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX