ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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292page / 13.06MB
STORING THE LAST STATIONLISTENED TOThe radio automatically stores the last station that was selected foreach reception band, which is then tuned into when the radio isturned on or when the reception band is changed.AUTOMATIC TUNING Briefly press theorbutton to start the automatic tuningsearch for the next station that can be received in the selecteddirection.If theorbutton is pressed down longer, the fast search starts.When the button is released, the tuner will stop on the next stationthat can be received.If the TA function (traffic alerts) is on, the tuner will only search forstations that broadcast traffic news and alerts.MANUAL TUNING This is used to manually search for stations in the preselected band.Select the desired frequency band and then press theorbutton briefly and repeatedly to start the search in the desireddirection.If theorbuttons are pressed longer, the fast search will startand then stop when the button is released.262SOUND-SYSTEM